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Deciding Whether to Get Divorced

 Posted on February 09,2024 in Divorce

TX divorce lawyerMaking the decision to end your marriage can be complicated. It is a very big decision that comes with a lot of ramifications. If you are considering divorcing your spouse, you will likely experience a wide range of emotions. You may go back and forth between definitely wanting a divorce and wanting to try counseling. There are a handful of grounds for divorce in Texas. The most commonly cited ground for divorce is that the marriage has become “unsupportable” because there is a lot of discord or a personality conflict, leaving little hope of reconciliation. People get divorced for all sorts of reasons, from adultery to abuse to simply having grown apart over the years. If you have made the choice to file for divorce, a McKinney, TX, divorce lawyer can help you begin the process and see it through. 

Questions to Ask Yourself if You Are Considering Divorce

A few questions to ask yourself when you are considering filing for divorce include:

  • Are we fighting right now, or fighting constantly? It is very normal for spouses to have disagreements. If you rarely fight, you may be able to resolve your differences and stay married. If you fight all the time, your marriage might have become unsupportable. 
  • Why are we still together? If you are still together because you love each other, it may be better to seek counseling to improve your relationship. If you are staying together for the children or for financial or practical reasons, you may be better off splitting. 
  • Am I being abused? Once your spouse has crossed the line into abusing you, it is incredibly unlikely that they will stop. Abuse tends to get worse over time, not better. 
  • Can I forgive my spouse’s actions and move on? If you are considering divorce because your spouse has done something that hurt you, like committing adultery, creating financial problems, getting charged with a crime, or embarrassing you badly in front of your loved ones, it is important to consider whether you can realistically move on from their mistakes. 
  • Have we lost our common ground? Most strong marriages are based on common ground, like believing in the same causes, sharing the same philosophy on life, or having the same goals. If you no longer have this common ground, you may not wish to remain married to each other. 

Divorce is a very personal choice that only you and your spouse can make. 

Contact a Collin County, TX, Divorce Attorney

If you have chosen to get divorced, The Ramage Law Group can help. Our experienced McKinney, TX, divorce lawyers can guide you through the entire process. Contact us at 972-562-9890 to arrange your introductory consultation. 

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