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Parker Fathers' Rights Lawyers

Attorneys for Dads in Collin County, TX

Courts have started to acknowledge how important it is for a child to grow up with a present father. Although Texas courts used to think it was best for young children to be cared for mostly by their mothers, this way of thinking has become outdated. Fathers can be excellent caregivers to children of any age, and it is usually in a child's best interest to benefit from their dad's love, guidance, and support. There is a lot more to fatherhood than paying child support and "visiting" the child every so often. Many dads now get about the same amount of parenting time and parental responsibilities as moms, and some even receive primary child custody if that arrangement would be better for the child.

Our highly experienced Parker, TX dads' rights attorneys understand how important it is for children to have an active and loving relationship with both parents whenever possible. As a father, you have the same set of rights the mother does. She should not automatically be considered the better or "primary" caregiver. Your relationship with your child is just as important as hers, and we will fight to make sure you are given fair and equal treatment under the law.

What Rights Do Fathers in Collin County Have?

The short answer is that you have the same rights the mother does. Unless there is evidence that you are not a fit parent, you have the right to spend quality time with your child. You have rights when it comes to making important decisions about how your child will be raised, such as whether they should be given religious instruction and what kind of medical care they should receive. In Texas, spending time with your child is called "physical custody," and making decisions for your child is called "legal custody."

Texas courts allocate both physical and legal custody based on what is in the child's best interests. In most cases, parents will share both types of custody somewhat evenly, depending on the child's needs and each parent's ability to meet those needs. Child custody cases are all about what is best for the child, and there is very strong evidence that being raised by two loving parents is what is best for children.

What if the Mother Would Not Name Me on My Child's Birth Certificate?

This is a somewhat common scenario for parents who are not married to each other. Some mothers believe that they can keep exclusive custody by simply denying the father's status as their child's other parent. Child custody lawyers for dads have ways of proving paternity in cases where the mother will not cooperate. We can file a petition to adjudicate paternity in court.

If the mother fails to attend the hearing, you will almost certainly win by default. If she does attend and still will not admit that you are the father, the judge can order a DNA test. If the test says you are the father, you will be recognized as the child's legal parent, and issues related to child custody and child support can then be addressed.

Can Fathers Collect Child Support?

Children in Texas have the legal right to be supported financially by both parents. This means that if you win primary custody, the mother can be ordered to keep providing for her child financially by paying you child support. If we can prove that your child is better off living with you most of the time, odds are, the mother will still be required to share in covering the child's ongoing expenses.

Contact a Parker, TX Fathers' Rights Attorney

The Ramage Law Group fights for fathers and their children. Our dedicated Collin County paternity and child custody lawyers will do all we can to make sure you can be an active and involved parent for your child. Contact us at 972-562-9890 to arrange a confidential consultation with an experienced family law attorney.

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Finding The Right Attorney Matters. Contact Us Today.

A family lawyer does much more than simply provide legal answers. Our lawyers explore a variety of different solutions to help you achieve your goals and secure your family's financial and emotional future and stability.

To discuss your case or set up a consultation, call us at 972-562-9890 or use the online contact form.

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