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How Does Collaborative Divorce Work in Texas?

 Posted on April 23, 2024 in Collaborative Divorce

TX divorce lawyerThe image of an unhappy couple fighting out their acrimonious divorce in court is a familiar one. People who have never been divorced or even in divorce court can picture that scene because of how often it is played out on the TV screen. However, there are many couples, particularly parents, who would rather resolve their divorce amicably while making sure that their children’s best interests are the main motivator behind any decisions made. While this is not a possibility for many divorces, collaborative divorce can be an excellent option for divorcing couples who want to try to remain civil with each other. This article will explain what is involved in such an arrangement, but if you are considering divorce, a skilled McKinney, TX collaborative divorce attorney can answer your specific questions and work with you to ensure that your and your child’s interests are being protected.

Key Conditions of Collaborative Law

The main point of a collaborative divorce is that it offers a couple the opportunity to reach solutions they can both accept while avoiding litigation. For it to succeed, the following conditions need to be met:

  • Collaborative team: When a couple opts for a collaborative divorce, they need to work together to form a team of specialized professionals. While it can vary, the team generally includes child psychologists or specialists, financial advisors, therapists, and legal experts. Each spouse also needs to have their own lawyer. One of the main goals of collaborative divorce is to minimize any negative effects the divorce will have on children, so this is a priority for the professionals on the team.
  • Willingness: Both spouses must show they are willing to embark on this path and that they volunteer to take part in good faith. The spouses and their lawyers need to commit to transparency and open communication so that everyone involved knows that all important information will be shared.
  • Long-term thinking: The spouses and their team need to focus on creating long-term solutions. Rather than each spouse trying to “win” some battle and making sure they get something in return for any compromise, this approach can also foster a more productive and positive relationship for the parents in the long run, where they live separately but follow a collaborative parenting model.

Contact a McKinney, TX Collaborative Divorce Lawyer

If you and your spouse are considering a collaborative divorce, let an experienced Collin County, TX divorce attorney guide you through the process and help you form a team that can best advocate for your interests. Call The Ramage Law Group at 972-562-9890 so we can get you started.

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