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What information should a co-parenting journal contain?

 Posted on May 01, 2021 in Child Custody

The key to a successful co-parenting relationship is creating a peaceful and loving environment for your child. Those goals can usually be accomplished when parents abide by the terms of their parenting plan while remaining flexible with their ex.

Regardless of whether Texas co-parents get along or try to avoid contact, it's crucial to detail the co-parenting relationship by keeping a journal, which may be a book or an app that keeps comprehensive records.

Details to include in a co-parenting journal

Diligence and consistency are the keys. You should make an entry after every exchange with the other parent. Include the date and time for items, such as:

  • Late drop-offs and pick-ups
  • Canceled or late appointments
  • Medical appointments and health care details
  • Discussions about your child with your ex
  • Your child's emotions and moods after they interact with the other parent

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It's About Time – More of It!

 Posted on May 01, 2021 in Special Education Law

Today, the Texas Legislature passed a law that would extend the statute of limitations on special education cases from one year to two! This will make Texas law consistent with Federal law. More importantly, it allows time for parents to gather information and make informed decisions about legally enforcing their child's right to a Free Appropriate Public Education.

This is a huge victory for parents of disabled children. It is not unusual for it to take the better part of a school year to realize the impact of schools either not implementing an IEP, failing to provide appropriate services, or the impact of an inappropriate placement. Frequently, parents realize the problem after almost a year has passed, and that leaves little time to hold schools accountable and pursue better services for their children. The expansion of the limitations period will offer greater protection to parents and children.

Parents and their attorneys and advocates have been pleading for this for years. Now the law has passed both the House and the Senate. Now it is up to the Governor to sign it.

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5 things to do if you are considering a divorce

 Posted on April 01, 2021 in Divorce

After a year of lockdowns, health scares and stress over the pandemic, a Texas summer is finally on the horizon. The turmoil has been extra challenging for many married couples experiencing trouble in their relationships.

But vaccinations are increasing, and public health restrictions are loosening. This summer may be the time that couples who have been cooped up with each other for most of the past year decide whether it's time to take action.

Steps to prepare for a possible divorce

The reasons and outcomes for divorce are different for every person. But there are some basic things to consider while you are contemplating what to do next, such as:

  1. Undecided? Don’t worry!: You may still be unsure whether you really want a divorce. That's normal in most instances.
  2. Get educated: If you’ve reached an impasse with your spouse, don’t get mad. Do some homework. Instead of giving in to anger and frustration, learn what's involved with the divorce process. You can find many credible sources online or at a bookstore.

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Easing the psychological effects of divorce on children

 Posted on April 01, 2021 in Divorce

When parents decide to end their marriage, the first year or two can be incredibly challenging for their children, who are likely to experience anger, anxiety and disbelief.

While it depends upon the child, many recover quickly from the shock and get comfortable with the new dynamics and routines. But many kids struggle to feel “normal” again.

Divorce can mean different things for kids of varying ages

Divorce is disruptive for everyone, but it can be terrifying and confusing for children. Kids typically react differently based on their age:

  • Preschoolers: Younger kids generally aren’t sure why they are living in two homes. They worry that if their parents stopped loving each other, will they stop loving them?
  • Grade-schoolers: Kids who are a little older often think they are responsible for their parents’ split due to misbehaving or doing something wrong.
  • High-schoolers: Teenagers often get angry about divorce. They may blame one parent or resent both for the turmoil it has caused in their lives.

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How to have an amicable co-parenting relationship post-divorce

 Posted on April 01, 2021 in Child Custody

Most Texas parents agree to put their children's needs first after a separation or divorce. While their marriage may be at an end, they will continue to raise a family together as co-parents.

Divorce can be devastating for children, even if their parents still get along. The best arrangement for everyone involved is when parents maintain a respectful and civil relationship.

Five tips for amicable post-divorce parenting

Even divorced couples who come together to prioritize their parenting duties face many challenges, such as disagreements, feelings of abandonment and loneliness. But those feelings can often be overcome by looking at the big picture and pursuing these strategies:

  • Compromise: Parenting isn’t a contest. When disagreements arise, avoid making demands, calmly discuss creative solutions and don’t try to win every dispute. Choose your battles wisely.

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Should we stay together only for the kids?

 Posted on April 01, 2021 in Divorce

Some Texas parents fear that divorce could be so devastating to their children that the best option is staying in an unhappy and unfulfilling marriage. Psychologists agree that divorce or separation can be destabilizing and stressful for kids.

The best situation is having a supportive, predictable and loving household where both parents are present. However, divorce is usually a better option in the long-term when the parents are incompatible.

Parents can ease the pain of divorce

It is well documented that children of divorce are more likely to experience emotional and behavioral issues than those with intact families. But kids are resilient and can usually bounce back quickly when at least one parent:

  • Makes sure they feel safe and secure
  • Is openly affectionate and honest
  • Maintains positive contact with the other parent

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Consider an app for managing your co-parenting relationship

 Posted on April 01, 2021 in Child Custody

Divorced or soon-to-be-divorced Texas parents face many challenges when raising their kids in separate households. Many spend too much time and energy stewing and arguing over missed payments, child drop-offs or pickups and other parenting issues.

A co-parenting arrangement can be even more challenging when mom and dad don’t get along. If this describes your relationship, modern technology may have a good option for you and your ex through a parenting app that can help create a more harmonious environment.

TalkingParents can help reduce conflicts

While several options exist for co-parenting apps, TalkingParents is most popular among parents with a history of conflict. The app keeps all co-parenting records in one place. The main features include:

  • Accountable calling: Phone calls – made through the app – are recorded, transcribed and timestamped.
  • Accountable payments: Child support and all other parenting expenses are documented.

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Don’t leave your future to chance during a divorce

 Posted on March 01, 2021 in Collaborative Divorce

Texans going through a divorce often feel that their lives have veered out of control. The end of a long relationship can turn their world upside down, especially if children are involved.

If you are facing the possibility of a divorce, you will not want to leave your future to chance. There are alternatives that can put you in the driver's seat instead of leaving the outcome in the hands of a judge.

Resolving conflicts out of court

More and more people understand that taking control of the divorce process can be a better route than going to court. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) offers both parties a way tofind a reasonable agreement and avoid litigation entirely. Two ADR methods include:

  • Mediation: Spouses meet with their attorneys and a neutral third party who is specially trained in dispute resolution. This allows direct negotiations between the parties and steered by the mediator to resolve questions over property division, custody, child support and spousal maintenance.

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Don’t take a risk with your children's future security

 Posted on March 01, 2021 in Child Support

Why is it important to be proactive with your divorce? Divorce is a daunting step. The stress or dread it can generate often results in differing reactions for people in Frisco, McKinney and surrounding areas.

Some are afraid to take the plunge and file for divorce, even though they know their marriage is over. Others belong to the “hurry up and get it over” camp, understandably wanting the pain to end quickly.

However, when parents end a marriage, it's crucial to protect their children's best interests, as well as their own, and fight for the best financial outcome now and in the future.

Make a financial checklist for your kids’ well-being

Keeping a sharp focus on your children's best interests during such an emotional time can be challenging but is essential. Here are some financial issues to keep in mind:

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Don’t take a chance with your future – know your assets

 Posted on March 01, 2021 in Property Division

Divorce can be a sad and challenging time. So much so that some Texans want to get it over with as soon as possible. However, speed should never replace thoughtful preparation to ensure you receive your fair share of marital assets.

Besides the emotional stress the process can create, the complexities of dividing marital property aren’t easy. An experienced family law attorney can help guide you through the process, but it's vital to your future well-being to do some homework on your own.

Discovering and cataloging marital assets

If your spouse has handled the family checkbook and taken care of most or all financial matters during the marriage, you may not know where to look for marital assets and debts. But, with a little digging, you can gather the documentation you need for the following items:

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Finding The Right Attorney Matters. Contact Us Today.

A family lawyer does much more than simply provide legal answers. Our lawyers explore a variety of different solutions to help you achieve your goals and secure your family's financial and emotional future and stability.

To discuss your case or set up a consultation, call us at 972-562-9890 or use the online contact form.

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