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What if Parents Disagree About a Child’s Social Media Use?
Following a divorce and the implementation of a parenting plan, there are often some obstacles to overcome when the parents disagree about a specific subject. These disagreements can result in high-conflict custody issues for virtually every parental decision. The use of social media is one such issue.
In the state of Texas, a part of the SCOPE law (HB 18) just went into effect. The highlight of this law is the Securing Children Online through Parental Empowerment Act. This Act is meant to protect children online while also providing parental controls and protections for parents. Parents in Texas may or may not agree with this new law and may not agree with one another regarding allowing their children to use social media.
If you and your ex are having disagreements regarding issues related to your child or children, sometimes the best step you can take is to speak to a knowledgeable McKinney, TX custody attorney from The Ramage Law Group. You can have all your questions answered, allowing you to make a sound decision regarding what you need to do to handle the disagreement.
When Can Grandparents File for Custody in Texas?
In most families, a baby is born and raised by his parents. However, it is not so clear-cut when the parents get a divorce, or the parents are unable or unwilling to raise the child. Texas courts prefer awarding shared custody to both parents whenever possible, but under certain circumstances, other arrangements might be in the child’s best interest. If your children cannot provide a safe and healthy environment for your grandchild, speak with a knowledgeable Collin County, TX family law attorney about seeking conservatorship.
How Can a Grandparent Request Custody?
To be awarded conservatorship of your grandchild in Texas, you need to prove that there is a good reason to do this.
- Temporary guardianship: If the child’s parents recognize their inability to raise the child, they can choose to sign a Minor Child Power of Attorney form to award the grandparents temporary guardianship. With this power of attorney, grandparents can make all decisions about the child’s upbringing and care. This is often used if the concern is not about the safety of the environment the parents provide but other reasons, like the parent’s military deployment, significant injury, or a relocation for work. This type of arrangement can be revoked at any time by the parents.
Can Texas Fathers Modify Custody for More Parenting Time?
There is a common but outdated idea that mothers are always the dominant parent. The truth is that every family is different. Some fathers are just as involved or more as their child’s mother. Texas has no laws giving preference to mothers in custody arrangements, and the courts generally prefer arrangements where both parents have rights and responsibilities. It is also possible to appeal for a modification if you are not happy with the amount of time you are granted. If you are a father who wants to increase his time with his child, speak with a compassionate McKinney, TX family law attorney to understand how.
How Is Custody Decided?
In Texas, custody is officially known as conservatorship. This refers to the rights and responsibilities of a parent or guardian. There are two main ways conservatorship can be arranged:
How Does My Child’s Emancipation Affect Texas Child Support?
Parents required to pay child support in Texas must pay a specific amount for each child until the child reaches the age of 18 or graduates from high school. Parents can agree on child support extending past the age of 18 if both parents intend to support their child in college. When a child suffers from a disability (mental or physical) that either manifested or was known to exist before the child reached the age of 18. Even when the child is not institutionalized or hospitalized, the court can order indefinite child support when it can be shown that the child is incapable of becoming self-supporting or requires significant, continuous care and supervision.
Court-ordered child support payments for a disabled child can be paid directly to the child or to the parent or guardian. What happens when a child who has not reached the age of 18 becomes emancipated? Must the parent paying child support for that child continue to pay?
This is an out-of-the-ordinary situation that can benefit from a knowledgeable McKinney County family law attorney. An experienced attorney can look at each individual situation and help you determine whether child support is still required.
How Will a Texas Divorce Impact Your Business?
Many aspects of divorce can cause difficulties for divorcing spouses. Some issues are expected, while others can be very unexpected. A Texas couple may expect that a business will be divided according to Texas community property laws but may not fully understand how that can vary depending on the circumstances.
The type of business can have some bearing on how it will be divided. An executive business may be handled differently than a "mom-and-pop" business in certain ways. Other issues related to the business can also make a difference in division. Was the business in question started after the marriage?
Does the business involve the professional license of one or both spouses? Have both spouses participated in operating the business? Is one spouse’s contributions to the business significantly greater than the others? Were marital assets used to improve the worth of the business?
As you can see, dividing up a business during a divorce can be complex. The division of a business requires a highly experienced family law attorney to ensure the division is equitable. When you have a knowledgeable attorney advocating on your behalf, you can rest easy knowing you will receive your fair share of the business.
If I Get a Raise, Will I Need to Pay More Child Support?
When parents get a divorce, they end up with a settlement that details how they will continue parenting their children once they are no longer married. Common aspects of a divorce settlement are a parenting plan, the division of marital assets, and child support arrangements. Often, the parent who earns more money and has less time with the child has to make payments to the parent who earns less and has more time with the child. The specific amount that is paid is unique to each family and is calculated based on several factors.
However, those factors could change, and if so, you might wonder whether some new development will impact your child support arrangement. For example, if you are the paying parent and you get a raise at work, does that mean you will need to pay more in child support? This article will offer insight into this topic, but if this relates to you, speak with a skilled Collin County, TX child support lawyer to find out more.
Do Fathers Have Rights in a Texas Custody Case?
There is a common misconception that when it comes to child custody, mothers always get the better end of the deal. This misconception was mostly based on the reality from years ago, where fathers were the main breadwinners and mothers were the main homemakers and parents. The world has gone through many changes and the way families used to live even 20 years ago is no longer the established norm. There are many families in which both the mother and father work full-time, and both share parental responsibilities. There are also families where the mother has an impressive and demanding career, and the father has a more flexible job.
Regardless of career paths, fathers in America have become increasingly involved in raising their children, much more than their fathers were when they were children. Legal arrangements for divorced parents reflect this change, and there is no reason to assume that a father will automatically get an unfair custody settlement in a divorce. If you are considering divorce but are worried about how it might limit your time with your children, speak with a Collin County, TX fathers’ rights lawyer to understand your options.
Establishing Paternity in Texas
You might think that conceiving a child makes you a parent. For women, that happens to be true. When a woman goes to a hospital and delivers a baby, she is officially considered the baby’s mother for all intents and purposes, without needing to prove it. If she is married at that time, her husband is automatically considered the father, again, without the need for proof. What happens when the man and woman who have conceived a baby are not married? This article will examine how an unmarried man can become legally recognized as a baby’s father and the reasons why he might want to do so. If you are a single man expecting to become a father soon, speak with an experienced Collin County, TX paternity lawyer to understand how and why you might consider establishing paternity.
How is Paternity Decided in Texas
If you are married to the woman you conceived a child with, the state of Texas will automatically recognize you as the child’s father. You will not need to submit to any test or offer proof of any kind. If you are not married, you will need to go through a process to be legally recognized as the father.
Can My Social Media Posts Affect My Divorce?
Nowadays, it is hard to think of any aspect of life that is not connected in some way to social media. Whether you are keeping in touch with friends, tracking your spending, ordering food deliveries, mapping a route to take to a meeting, staying on top of school work, or dating, social media has become an integral part of it all. As people enjoy continued access to all sorts of information, they are also noticing that they seem to have less privacy.
If you are not breaking the law or harming anyone, you may think you have nothing to hide. However, if you are in the process of getting a divorce, it is often best to try to control the information that your spouse and his lawyers have about you. There are many ways that information you share online can result in worse outcomes in a divorce. An experienced Collin County, TX divorce lawyer can explain why and advise you on ways you can protect yourself and your privacy.
How Does Collaborative Divorce Work in Texas?
The image of an unhappy couple fighting out their acrimonious divorce in court is a familiar one. People who have never been divorced or even in divorce court can picture that scene because of how often it is played out on the TV screen. However, there are many couples, particularly parents, who would rather resolve their divorce amicably while making sure that their children’s best interests are the main motivator behind any decisions made. While this is not a possibility for many divorces, collaborative divorce can be an excellent option for divorcing couples who want to try to remain civil with each other. This article will explain what is involved in such an arrangement, but if you are considering divorce, a skilled McKinney, TX collaborative divorce attorney can answer your specific questions and work with you to ensure that your and your child’s interests are being protected.
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