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Can a Mother Force a Paternity Test?

 Posted on November 09, 2023 in Family Law

TX family lawyerIt is, sadly, not uncommon for a man to deny being the father of a child who is in fact, theirs. This can leave mothers without a secondary source of support or care for their babies. Being a single mother can be hard enough when the father does take responsibility. When the father denies paternity and refuses to pay child support or spend time caring for the child, the mother can be left in a very difficult position. Fortunately, in Texas, there is a way for a mother to bring a paternity suit and ultimately force a DNA test if needed. Paternity suits are relatively uncomplicated as far as family law cases go, but the process should still be managed by a qualified Texas paternity lawyer

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Will I Have to Pay Alimony After My Divorce?

 Posted on October 25, 2023 in Spousal Maintenance

TX divorce lawyerWhether you might have to pay your spouse alimony after you get divorced depends on a number of factors, such as the length of your marriage and whether there is a prenuptial agreement in place. The court will also consider your spouse’s ability to earn enough money to meet their needs. Generally, Texas courts are against alimony. However, there are situations where it can be ordered. Spousal support payments are often temporary, lasting only until the divorce is finalized. This is so that neither spouse ends up in a position where they cannot afford housing, food, or other necessities during the divorce. If you are concerned about whether you will have to make spousal support or spousal maintenance payments, it is important to have a qualified Texas divorce attorney assess your case. 

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What Is a High-Conflict Divorce?

 Posted on October 12, 2023 in High Conflict Family Law

TX divorce lawyerYou might hear the term “high conflict divorce” used to describe a divorce that is far more contentious than usual. If you and your spouse cannot stand to be around each other, yours is likely a high-conflict divorce. High-conflict divorces are often contested in court because the spouses cannot come to an agreement, although in some cases, mediation or negotiation does work. A lot of complications can arise in high-conflict divorce. If these couples do try divorce mediation, it is usually a type of mediation that does not involve bringing the spouses together in person. One or both spouses involved may be more concerned with spiting the other than meeting their own needs in these cases. If there are children involved, a hotly contested custody battle is very likely to ensue. If you are preparing for high conflict divorce, it is important to choose a highly strategic attorney to fight for you. 

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Are Children Over 18 Still Entitled to Parental Support?

 Posted on September 27, 2023 in Child Support

McKinney child support lawyerThe fact is that most people are not able to support themselves at the age of 18. The kinds of jobs that are available to people with only a high school diploma rarely pay a living wage. Even if an 18 year old would like to be self-sufficient, almost all still rely on their parents in some ways. If you are getting divorced in Texas or collecting child support for a teenage child, you may worry about whether your spouse will continue providing support to your child if it ceases to be legally mandatory.

The good news for parents is that support obligations do not automatically terminate on the child’s eighteenth birthday, even though they are now legally an adult. A divorced parent can be held responsible for providing reasonable financial support to their child for several years or more after they reach their majority age or longer in certain circumstances. However, support obligations may need to be incorporated into your divorce decree before it is finalized. An attorney can help you see to it that any prudent continuing support obligations are addressed during your divorce.

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What Are the Pros and Cons of Collaborative Divorce in Texas?

 Posted on September 13, 2023 in Collaborative Divorce

TX divorce lawyerDivorce is difficult and tiring, usually leaving people in emotional and financial turmoil. Collaborative divorce is a great strategy to try to reduce the negative impact of divorce. While a collaborative divorce has benefits, it is not suitable for everyone. If you want to learn more about collaborative law so you can make an informed decision, consult an attorney. They will help you navigate all the advantages and drawbacks unique to your situation. 

What is Collaborative Divorce? 

Collaborative divorce is a process that allows divorcing couples to plan their divorce decree carefully and with the help of as many professionals as necessary. Rather than litigating their differences in court, couples using collaborative divorce will discuss their issues proactively and rely on the help of other people to solve their problems. This could include: 

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Do Children Testify in Child Custody Cases?

 Posted on August 24, 2023 in Family Law

Collin County divorce lawyerWhile many issues can cause conflict and fighting in a divorce, one of the most emotional issues is child custody. No parent wants to be separated from their child, but in most divorces, neither parent will have their child with them 100 percent of the time. In the best of circumstances, the couple will be able to negotiate a custody and parenting time agreement, however, most Texas divorce attorneys can attest that it is often the court that ends up making that decision.

How Does the Court Decide Custody?

In every child custody case, the goal of the court is to decide custody based on the best interest of the child standard. There are a number of factors that the court will examine when making this determination, including:

Does a Spouse’s Cheating Have a Financial Impact on Divorce Outcome?

 Posted on August 16, 2023 in Divorce

Collin County, TX family lawyerOne of the most devastating things that can take place in a marriage is if one spouse cheats on the other. Whether the cheating was a one-time event, a long-term affair, or a pattern of behavior, infidelity destroys the trust that the couple had for each other and crumbles the foundation of the marriage. Many marriages are unable to survive the transgression(s). The question many injured spouses have is how or will the other spouse’s cheating impact the outcome of the final divorce decree. The following is a brief overview, but for more detailed information regarding your specific circumstances, it is important to consult directly with a Collin County divorce attorney.

Does Cheating Affect the Division of Assets?

Texas is a community property state, meaning that the marital estate will be divided in a 50/50 split. Although the court cannot punish a cheating spouse by awarding them less of their share of the marital estate, there may be situations where the court can hold the spouse financially responsible if it can be shown that marital funds were used for cheating. This is legally referred to as “dissipation of marital assets.”

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Be Aware of How Your Social Media Accounts Can Be Used Against You in a Divorce

 Posted on July 24, 2023 in Divorce

McKinney Divorce LawyerSocial media has become such a major part of many people’s lives, but it can also play a significant role in divorce proceedings. In some cases, the opposition in a divorce may exploit social media platforms to gain an advantage or further their interests. If you are going through a divorce and have social media accounts, it is important to be aware of how your accounts could be used against you. To ensure you are protected, speak with a seasoned divorce attorney.

Gathering Evidence

Social media platforms provide a treasure trove of information that can be used as evidence in a divorce case. Your spouse’s legal team may scour your social media profiles to find posts, check-ins, photos, or videos that can be taken out of context or used to support their claims. For example, they may use posts showing lavish vacations or expensive purchases to argue against your financial need or claim that you are an unfit parent based on questionable behavior displayed online. This also includes any photos or videos your friends and families post that you are in.

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Classifying Marital and Non-Marital Property in a Texas Divorce

 Posted on July 14, 2023 in Divorce

McKinney Divorce LawyerIn a Texas divorce, assets and property are divided under community property laws. This means that marital property is divided equally. Generally, marital assets include assets acquired during the marriage. Non-marital assets – also referred to as separate – are usually excluded from the division and stay with the spouse that originally “owned” the asset. If you are going through a divorce, it is important to understand how courts qualify assets and property and what this may mean for your financial future. The following are some of the assets that could be deemed non-marital assets.

Assets or Property Acquired Before the Marriage

Assets acquired by either spouse before the marriage are generally considered non-marital property. For example, if one spouse owned a house or had investments prior to the marriage, those assets would likely be considered non-marital.

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Will Alimony Be Awarded in My Texas Divorce?

 Posted on June 23, 2023 in Divorce

McKinney Alimony LawyerSpousal support, also known as alimony or spousal maintenance, is a legal arrangement where one spouse provides financial assistance to the other spouse after a divorce or separation. Years ago, it was almost guaranteed that in a divorce, the husband would be ordered to pay the wife alimony. However, that “guarantee” is no longer the case, and judges only award alimony under specific circumstances. And it is no longer just the husband who pays alimony – there are many divorces today where the wife is ordered to pay the husband.

The following are some of the common factors that judges consider when there has been a request for alimony payments.

Standard of Living

The court considers the standard of living established during the marriage. If one spouse is unable to maintain a similar standard of living after the divorce, spousal support may be awarded to help them transition and adjust financially.

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